Hello Lakeside Families!
We want to make sure you all have these important dates and information BEFORE you show up for your first day of practice!
Make sure you have a CURRENT physical in Final Forms. Physicals expire every 2 years. Students can NOT practice without them.
Fully register in Final forms (parent and students have a signature section). You can also select all the sports you wish to participate in for the year at once! This has to be done PRIOR to arriving on the first day of practice! Use this link to register: https://ninemile-wa.finalforms.com/
Show up ready to work hard and be apart of Excellence!! The following first day of practice times are below:
Boys & Girls Basketball, Boys & Girls Wrestling, and Winter Cheer start on Nov 18th!
For specific sport questions please reach out to the coach of the respective sport.
Boys Basketball: John Edwards jedwards@9mile.org or Seth Hanson shanson@9mile.org
Girls Basketball: Lora Cummings LCummings@9mile.org or Aleesha Judd ajudd@9mile.org
Boys Wrestling: Mikey Baumgarden mbaumgarden@9mile.org
Girls Wrestling: Akio Yamada ayamada@9mile.org
Winter Cheer: Mackinzi Wheeler mwheeler@9mile.org or Leanne Dillingham ldillingham@9mile.org
Fall Sports
Winter Sports
Spring Sports
Athletic Director
Jennifer Harmer
Lakeside High School
5909 Highway 291
Nine Mile Falls WA 99026